Professional Development Opportunity for High School Educators  


Professional Development Points (PDPs).  As part of Northeastern’s dedication to community engagement, the World Languages Center provides a professional development opportunity for five HS educators from Massachusetts Public Schools who plan to attend the 2024 Boston Area Pedagogy Conference. This program offers participants the opportunity to earn 10 PDPs upon successful completion of a teacher’s portfolio (details provided below).  Admissions to the program are granted in the order of registration.

The WLC at Northeastern University is an approved PDP Provider in Massachusetts and the program is in compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators


PDP Submission Requirements 

To qualify for 10 PDPs, conference participants must:

– Attend 4 hours of BAPC conference presentations.   

– Create a PDP Portfolio, either an Action Plan or Unit Plan with final Reflection.

– Submit their project via email to the BAPC  



To be considered for selection, kindly complete the form below.
Please be aware that the  BAPC Committee will select only 5 participants, based on the following criteria:

  • Affiliation with Massachusetts Public School
  • Interest and Commitment
  • Diversity and Inclusivity: we will consider a diverse representation across school grades, languages taught, and career stages in the selection process.

Deadline to submit your application is March 15th, 2024.

Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education PDP Requirements

Certificate of Attendance. In adherence to the recertification regulations stipulated by the state of Massachusetts, professional development points cannot be awarded exclusively for attending conferences or participating in professional development activities that do not meet the minimum requirement of ten hours. As a result, we do not issue PDPs for attendance at the BAPC alone. However, we are able to provide a Certificate of Attendance in such cases. Attendees can request a Certificate of Attendance at the close of the conference at the registration desk. 

For questions about the PDP program, please contact:

Gorka Basterretxea Santiso :

Cristina Pérez-Arranz:

**Northeastern University is unable to grant PDPs for conference presentations. However, we can provide a Presentation Certificate to verify your participation as a presenter. Please see the section “Educator-Designed Activities” in DESE’s License Renewal Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators, p.21-22 for information earning PDPs as a “Presenter at a Professional Conference.”